Sunday, November 08, 2009

Nick Vujicic


Nick Vujicic ,一個天生沒有雙手,沒有雙腳嘅人,竟然如此樂觀,如此有心,為了令更多人認識主,甘願奔波各地做見証,到處傳福音。

其實Nick 並非天生樂觀,佢亦都有過情緒低落嘅時候,八歲嘅時候也曾一念之差,想過自殺。幸好佢唔捨得愛佢嘅父母傷心,不想他們內疚一輩子,所以放棄左消極嘅尋死之路。後來,Nick 有機會認識主以後,信主後他更認定殘疾是「上天的禮物」,佢認為上帝要藉他來激勵別人,為眾人帶來福祉。所以到處演講,決意將希望帶給大家。

Nick 演講無數,真係有唔少令人感動嘅真言,我無法一一記載,惟有借用朋友V 嘅節錄

1. If you pray for the miracle to happen, you could be that miracle to others
2. If I can save one more soul and that means I have no hand/leg, it is worth it
3.When there is a storm around you, fly above the storm and you know the sun is always shining upon us

以下有兩個關於Nick 嘅演講 vedio clips ,希望大家都可以being motivated!!!

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